No Limits Perth is a local charity doing amazing work in supporting less fortunate members of our community. The organisation is run entirely by volunteers out of a small warehouse in Wangara where they:
- provide recycled furniture to people in need;
- run a school breakfast program;
- provide nutritious lunches and dinners to 3 schools;
- provide a laundry van to wash clothes for school children and provide new underwear where the existing items are damaged or too dirty;
- provide back to school backpacks and stationary packs for school children; and
- provide emergency packs, kitchen starter packs and cleaning packs to those in need.

No Limits Perth is made up of a group of ordinary people, passionate, determined and focused on building partnerships and long-term relationships - united with the same vision, same heart and same mission to make a difference - one random act of kindness at a time! Janine Wood, Belinda Hawes and Debbie Jordaan founded the organisation believing that by helping the less fortunate, victims of domestic violence, vulnerable families and children, the elderly, those affected by fire, new comers & those just doing it tough, No Limits Perth can make the difference.

They recently started running monthly Community Hubs in Marangaroo and Joondalup providing food hampers, second-hand clothing, pre-loved furniture, toiletries and other basic essentials, pet food and Centrelink and Justice of the Peace services. At the same time, they have linked with other service providers who offer a mobile laundry, mobile showers, hairdressing, dog washing and vet services for the less fortunate, victims of domestic violence, vulnerable children and families. The Rotary Clubs of Wanneroo, Joondalup and Osborne Park have all volunteered to provide a free sausage sizzle, soft drinks and tea and coffee at these Community Hubs. No Limits Perth have managed to provide a “one-stop shop” for vulnerable people helping them to get registered with Centrelink, get help with food, have a shower and get clean clothes, get a haircut and food for their pets – all with no judgement!
No Limits Perth have also been instrumental in organising a Boys Room in Balga for 30 to 50 Aboriginal children where it is not safe for those children to go home at night. They provide all meals as well as computers, a games room, toiletries, bed linen and other necessities for these children.
Rotary is proud to support this great organisation, there seems no limit to what No Limits will tackle.