History of the Cottage
The building that is now called Colin Moore Community Centre was originally a small cottage for market gardeners that used to farm in this area.  The cottage was built in 1934 by Matt and Stan Skender who lived there with their children until 1955. Two years later, the second owner, George Glamuzina, sold it to Charlie Vranjes who worked the land on that corner of the lake as a market garden growing onions until 1965, at which time it was resumed by the Metropolitan Region Planning Authority.  
 Nancy and Helmut Schrodel rented the house from the Metropolitan Region Planning Authority and lived in it from April 1976 until October 1991.  They did so under the condition that they look after the house, make their our own repairs to it and look after the lake, in particular watch, out for dumping of cars, household rubbish etc.  In return, they could continue to build their boat there, which they had started a few months earlier at the Maylands Slip Yard. The cottage was an ideal place for this as there were only a few houses to one side of it. On September 9, 1990, some 14 years later, the boat was launched at Hillarys Harbour.   
Helmud and Nancy wanted to buy the house, but it was not for sale.   In early 1991, they were asked by a member of the Rotary Club if, after the boat has been launched, they would move out so the house could become a kindergarten.  They bought a house nearby and still live there.
The Balcatta Rotary Club undertook to restore and extend the cottage in order to turn it into a community resource centre, vested in the City of Stirling, who licensed the property to the Club for the project.   The facility has been primarily used as a playgroup since this work was completed in 1995.
The refurbishment project was co-ordinated by Colin Moore who put a lot of his own time into the project.  Colin was a member of the Karrinyup Rotary Club which established the Balcatta Rotary Club, of which he was a charter member.  Colin remained with the Balcatta Club after it was founded.   Colin was the owner of Odin Auto Parts and passed away on 30 June 2005. 
The Lake Gwelup Primary School ran the kindergarten there, shared with the playgroup, for some years until it outgrew it. After much lobbying a transportable classroom was then provided in 2002 for the Kindergarten to be based at the school. 
The building is now used by playgroups during the week, mainly the Gwelup Community Corner Playgroup, and for children’s parties on the weekends.   In the evenings it is sometimes used for community group meetings.  It is a great asset to the community and very popular.